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It's coming...

Thomas Pentzer, OMS

FDM breakout session Convocation 2017

In less than two months, the American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation will take place in Dallas, Texas. Once again, the AFDMA will be there, offering Module 1 as a pre-course March 18-20. As an added bonus to students, there will be two hands-on FDM workshops during the breakout sessions!

As a student who has attended Convocation twice, I can attest that the FDM breakout sessions are fun and engaging. Moreover, watching students experience and perform FDM for the first time, it's amazing to see how quickly they catch on. If you're a student trying to decide what breakout sessions to attend in Dallas, you won't go wrong with FDM of the Shoulder (March 23rd) and/or FDM of the Foot and Heel (March 24th).

FDM breakout session Convocation 2017

For more information, check out FDM Academy's Dallas class page.

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