Past Classes
Module 1
Vacaville, CA - Northbay Wellness January 20-22, 2017
Module 1
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale - February 17-19, 2017
Module 3
American Academy of Osteopathy Convocation, Colorado Springs - March 19-21, 2017
Module 1
Mayo Clinic Mankato - April 6-8, 2017
Module 1
Cleveland Clinic - April 21-23, 2017
Module 2
PNWU Yakima, WA - May 5-7, 2017
Module 1
Pacific University Portland, OR - June 2-4, 2017
Advanced - "What you don't learn in Modules 1-3"
Cruise of western Caribbean, June 18th-25th, 2017
7-day cruise of the western Caribbean, with ports of call in Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. This advanced module covered advanced techniques and concepts not addressed in Modules 1-3. Three days of con-ed from 8am-1pm each day while the ship is at sea. Looking for the encore? Make sure to catch our newsletters so you don't miss out on the next destination course.
International Experience
FDM to Belize
February 23-March 2, 2019
The goal of this program is to provide experiential learning opportunities and cultural expansion for licensed health professionals while allowing those in our partner communities to benefit from a physical exam and treatment from a licensed medical professional using FDM modalities. There may also be opportunities to provide FDM education to local healthcare providers.